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  1. Find golf courses at your place.

When you are ready to play in an actual golf course, it is best if you find a good number of them at the city you are living in. This way, you would be able to learn more about the options that you have in playing golf. Aside from that, learn more about them regarding the difficulty of their innings, the sizes of the golf courses, as well as their distances from your place so that you can choose accordingly.

  1. Visit the driving range often.

Swinging is one of the skills that you need to develop in playing golf. This is because it would help you in getting to the hole faster. Thus, it is best if you practice your swing more often by visiting the driving range on a regular basis. By doing that, you can practice for as much as you can, and even get to meet other players.

  1. Practice putting at your office.

Putting at your office can provide you the practice that you need to improve your

performance. However, it is best if your office is carpeted. Practicing at your office can be done during your break times. Just make sure that you have your own office room, so that you won’t be disturbing your coworkers.

  1. Play with your friends or business partners.

Playing golf can be made more interesting and fun when you play it with your

colleagues or business partners. You can make it a weekend affair, in which you would meet at an agreed time at the golf course you have chosen. By doing that, you won’t just be improving your game, but it would also help build your relationship with your colleagues and partners.

  1. Challenge yourself.

It is important that you continue challenging yourself, so that you would make

improvements in playing golf. For example, each time you visit the driving range, try to hit the ball farther than you have done it the previous time. Aside from that, you can also try to hit the ball for the least number of times in sinking it into the hole at a golf course.

  1. Teach your family in playing golf.

Teaching your family in playing golf can make practicing more fun. When you teach them at home, doing it at your backyard, you would be practicing your putting skills with it. If they want to take it further, you can also bring them with you when you go to the driving range. By watching their form, you may also realize your own mistakes in executing your swings.

  1. Buy a good cap.

Wearing a good cap is important when you are playing under the heat of the sun. It is best that you choose your cap carefully though, so that it would serve you best. Choose a cap that is made in good material, so that it would provide you with the shade you need. Aside from that, make sure that it is the right size, so that it would fit you perfectly.

  1. Always smile.

Smiling can help you relieve yourself from stress. Therefore, even if you are performing poorly, you should continue to smile. When you do that, you may not even notice that you are lagging behind your competition. Aside from that, smiling can become contagious, which can encourage a more positive atmosphere among you and your peers.

  1. Make friends with other players.

Whether you are playing in a competition or at a driving range, it is best to take

advantage of it to make new friends. When you do that, you would be able to make playing golf more fun and exciting. On top of that, with more friends, more people would be able to provide you with tips when it comes to improving your swing, your form, and such.

  1. Bring a bottle of water.

You should never forget bringing a bottle of water with you when you play golf. This is to ensure that you won’t get dehydrated. Getting exposed to the sun on a constant manner can get you dehydrated if you won’t drink water from time to time. In addition, getting too thirsty can become a hindrance in playing your game the right way.

  1. Watch out for snakes.

Keep in mind that some golf courses are quite big, in which some parts of it would be woods. Whenever there are lots of woods and grasses, there is always a possibility for finding snakes in them. Therefore, whenever you hit your ball out of bounds, you should be careful when you try to retrieve it, since you might accidentally step on a snake and get bitten.

  1. Aim for a par first, before aiming for a birdie or eagle eye.

When you set your goals in playing golf, you should aim for more realistic ones first. For example, before you aim for a birdie, you should achieve hitting par consistently first. Par is actually the term used, which pertains to the number of shots needed for one to sink the ball into the hole. Consistently achieving par would make lots of people look up to you.

  1. Learn more about the particular hole.

When you visit a golf course, it is best that you learn more about the round or the hole you are playing in. You should know its design well, by looking at maps that are usually available at the golf course. If you are able to do that, then you would be able to plan out your shots more effectively.

  1. Learn more about the game.

To excel in the game, you should learn more about it. There are lots of things that you can do in order to gather more information about it. You can purchase books about it, and you can even do your research online. Moreover, you can also ask questions about golf to your professional golf playing friends.

  1. Become more familiar of the terms.

When you play golf, you would eventually come across lots of terms that you may not understand as a novice player. Thus, it is best that you become more familiar about it. Learning more about different golf terms, can help you communicate with other golfers as well as your trainer better. Some of the terms you may want to research on would include fore, bogey, bunker, handicap, and more.

  1. Inhale the fresh air.

When you play golf, take advantage of all the benefits that it can offer to you, such as the fresh air. Playing golf offers you not just a chance to breathe fresh air, but also get enough exercise by swinging as well as in walking. In other words, it can also promote better health. Enjoy the game, so that you would be able to improve your performance in no time.

  1. Don’t get discouraged when your ball gets out of bounce.

One of the things that you would commit in playing golf as a beginner is hitting the ball out of bounce. This would usually happen, when you hit it inside a group of trees, bushes, or hitting it towards a body of water. Keep in mind that even professionals in the game can commit this mistake. Thus, you should not get discourages, and just aim to improve on your performance.

  1. Become more familiar about the different sets of golf clubs.

Always remember that golf clubs are created in different materials and styles, because they serve different purposes. Some are designed to maximize your power and achieve great distances, while others are designed so that you can make the ball go higher and avoid the trees. Each shot you take would require a different golf club, which is why you want to become more familiar about their functions.

  1. Keep your golf clubs in a safe place.

Keep in mind that golf clubs are very expensive these days. Therefore, whenever you bring it outside your place to visit a golf course, you should put it in a safe place, to keep it away from thieves. When you store it inside your house though, you should also store it properly, so that people won’t trip over them.

  1. How to hire a trainer.

Hiring a trainer is one of the keys in learning playing golf properly. However, you should consider factors when it comes to choosing the professional to train you. Some of the factors would include his experience, his style of teaching, and more. In addition, don’t forget to ask his previous and current clients, for their feedback about him.

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