Know what a cover letter is.
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In applying for a job, you need to know what a cover letter is so that you would be able to recognize its importance. The cover letter is actually the same as the letter of application, letter of introduction, as well as a transmittal letter. It is a letter that should always accompany the applicant’s resume, since not too many employers would consider an application without it.
Read your cover letter several times.
Prior to submitting your cover letter along with your resume, you should read it a good number of times. This is to ensure that you have already indicated all the necessary information in it. Aside from that, it can also help you condition your mind well if you get interviewed.
Do not forget to check for punctuation and grammar.
One of the things that can turn off an employer is when he reads a cover letter that has incorrect grammar and punctuation. Thus, you should not forget checking it for these couple of things. Keep in mind that aside from becoming familiar of the rules in using punctuations, you can also use tools on the web, as well as on your computer, which can help you check on your grammar.
The importance of a cover letter.
In most cases, if you only submit a resume to your potential employer, he would find it useless without the cover letter. The cover letter would let the employer know about the type of work that you can do. Aside from that, it would also let him know how qualified you are for the position that you are applying for.
Keep your letter straight to the point.
Do not use a lot of word fillers when it comes to writing your cover letter. Make sure that it is direct to the point, so that your employer won’t have to spend a lot of time in reading it. Keep in mind that aside from reading your cover letter, he also needs to read your resume. Aside from that, he may also have a lot of other cover letters and resumes he needs to check from the other applicants.
Make sure the information in your letter is consistent.
You need to ensure that the information that you indicate in your cover letter is in line with the data you have in your resume. Keep in mind that some statements can become misleading. In other words, it can mean a different thing to the employer from what you are trying to say. Thus, make sure that your statements are clear.
Focus on more important information.
When you write your cover letter, you should be aware of the information that your potential employer is looking for. By doing that, you would have better guidance in writing your cover letter. When you focus on more important information, you would be able to come up with a cover letter that is not too long.
Do your research.
Writing your cover letter should only be done once you have gathered enough information about the position that you are applying for. This would guide you in indicating the data in your cover letter that would be useful for your potential employer. Aside from that, it can also increase your chances in getting interviewed.
Highlight your skills and experiences.
It is necessary to highlight your skills and experiences when you write your cover letter. This is to make the employer realize how qualified you are for the job. Make sure that the experiences and skills you include are related to the position you are applying for, so that they would make sense.
Make sure that you are qualified for the position.
Before deciding to write your cover letter, you need to make sure that you are qualified for the position first. This is to ensure that you won’t be wasting your time in composing your cover letter, as well as submitting it to the employer. Check what experiences, talents, and skills the employer is looking for, and see if you have them.
Use the cover letter to explain certain things.
In some cases, there are items in your resume that your potential employer may question. For example, if there are certain gaps in your employment history, then the employer may wonder what happened, or what you were doing during those times when you were out of job. You can take advantage of your cover letter to explain such things.
Your cover letter can serve the same function as your resume’s job objective.
Indicating an objective in your resume can make it more specific to the type of job that you really want. Whether you are going to indicate a job objective on it or not, when you write your cover letter, keep in mind that it can serve the same function as your resume’s objective. However, the cover letter can be written in a way that you are more open to other job options.
Let your cover letter reflect your personality.
Different individuals have different ways of writing a cover letter. When you write yours, it is best if you can write it in a way that it lets the employer get a glimpse of your own personality. By doing that, it can increase your chances of getting interviewed; especially if the employer realizes that he wants to know you better.
The invited cover letter.
The invited cover letter is when you come up with one in response to a job advertisement. This type of cover letter is not very hard to come up with, since you can base its content in accordance to the job requirements. It is best to make use of this type of cover letter, when you see job advertisements in the newspaper, magazines, and websites.
Pretend that you are the employer.
After writing your cover letter, set it aside for a couple of days, and research more about your potential employer. When you read it again, try to pretend that you are the employer, and see if the letter would be able to impress you. If it can, then it is a sign that you can submit it for the job application soon.
What to do if you can’t seem to continue writing your cover letter.
There may be times when you seem to lose focus when it comes to writing up your cover letter. If you are lost for words or you cannot concentrate in trying to finish up your letter, then put a stop to it. You may be under a lot of stress or you simply need a break. Give it a day or two before dealing with it again, so that you can have a fresh start.
Never forget about the benefits that you can derive from the internet.
One of the toughest obstacles you can face in writing a cover letter is getting started with it. To start writing though, you need to have the proper cover letter format. There is no need to worry about it, since you can simply search for cover letter samples on the internet, which can help you out with it.
Put your cover letter and resume side to side.
When it comes to finalizing your resume and cover letter, it is best to put them side to side. By doing that, you can thoroughly check if their formats coincide, as well as their fonts. It is best if they are of the same font, so that they won’t look too different from each other. There is no need to match the font size though, but it can also score up more points if they are the same.
The uninvited cover letter.
There are times when you may want to find out if certain companies have job openings or not. When you submit a cover letter in this kind of approach, you would be using the uninvited cover letter type, in which you are presenting yourself to the company and that you are making them aware that they may need someone like you. Even if there are no job opportunities available, submitting this type of cover letter ensures that the company can contact you if they need someone who possesses the skills, talents, and experiences that you have.
You cover letter should be addressed to a specific person.
Starting your cover letter with Dear Sir or Dear Manager is not something that can impress the employer. With that, you have to do your best to find out about the name of the person that you should address it to. By doing that, you are making it more personal, which can score some great points with your employer.