Active Voice

A verb is in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action.

Examples: Our teacher punished us for making noise in class.

Subject action

Players arrived for their first match early in the morning.

Subject action

In the above sentences, the subject is who performed the action.

Hence, the verbs of these sentences are in active voice.

Passive voice

The word passive means “acted upon”.

When the subject of the sentence receives the action or expresses the result of the action, the verb is in passive voice.

Examples: We were punished by the teacher for making noise.

Subject action: He was helped by a passer-by.

Subject action

In the above sentences the subjects we and he receive the action.

When we do not know who or what did the action, or when we do not want to say who or what did it, we use the passive voice.

The passive form of a verb consists of some form of be plus the past participle.

Examples: Active Passive

Baabu explored the sea.

The sea was explored by Baabu.

Be + past participle

The captain helped him.

He was helped by the captain.

Be + past participle


Write the verbs from the following sentences and then label each one Active or Passive.

  1. The guest of honour presented prizes to the best students.
  2. The cattle were taken home by the herders.
  3. The health officer ordered the slaughter house closed.
  4. Peace and order has been restored in the area by the youth wingers.
  5. The workers cleared the farm.
  6. The crop was harvested by the hired workers.
  7. The government stressed the importance of unity among tribes.
  8. The farmers were urged to redouble their efforts in food production.
  9. The KIE is developing support materials for the 8-4-4 system of education.
  10. A fishing pond was started by the Wildlife Club in the school.

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