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An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. To describe or modify means to provide additional information about nouns or pronouns.

To modify further means to change something slightly. Writers and speakers modify an idea or image by choosing certain describing words, which are called adjectives.

Hence, these adjectives are also called modifiers. Adjectives are like word cameras. They are words that describe colours, sizes and shapes. Adjectives help you capture how the world around you looks and feels.

Adjectives tell:

  1. What kind?

Examples: The powerful gorilla knocked down the hunter.

The old man walked slowly.

  1. How many?

Examples: Three zebras were resting.

He has few friends.

  1. Which one(s)?


This painting is attractive.

These farmers are clearing the field.

There are 4 main kinds of adjectives, namely

  1. Descriptive adjectives
  2. Definite and indefinite adjectives
  3. Demonstrative adjectives
  4. Interrogative adjectives
  5. Articles and possessive adjectives

Find these kinds of adjectives on the next lessons on this website/app

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