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Combined events are combination of track and field events. It started during the ancient Olympic Games to test the all-round athletic ability of the competitors. There are three types of combined events. These are:

  1. Decathlon (for men)
  2. Heptathlon (for both men and women)
  3. Pentathlon (for women)


Decathlon: The term “decathlon” is a Greek term that means “ten test.” The decathlon consists of ten athletics events.They are events mainly for men. They are held on two consecutive days. Points are awarded for each event to find the best all-round athlete. An athlete that compete in decathlon is called decathlete


First day:                    Second day:

  1. 100m hurdle         (i) 110m hurdle
  2. High jump            (ii) Discus
  • Shot put            (iii) Pole vault
  1. Long jump            (iv) Javelin
  2. 400m race            (v) 1,500m race


Pentathlon: The term “Pentathlon” is a Greek term that means “five test.”The pentathlon consists of five athletics events. An athlete that compete in pentathlon event is called penthathlete.They are events mainly for women. They shall be held in one day in the following order:

Long jump

Javelin throw

200m race

Discus throw

1,500m race


Heptathlon: The term “Heptathlon” is a Greek term that means “seven test” The heptathlon consist of seven athletics events. They are events mainly for women. They are shall be held on two consecutive days in the following order.


Day one                         Day Two

100m hurdles                                 Long jump

High jump                        Javelin

Shot put                        800m race

200m race

The scoring

The winners of the events are determined by the combined performance in all. Performance is judged on a point in each event, not by the position achieved


 Official of combined events

  1. The referee
  2. Umpire
  3. Chief field judge
  4. Chief track judge
  5. Field judge
  6. Time keeper
  7. Starter
  8. Announcer
  9. Recorders
  10. Marksmen


                 Facilities and equipment

  1. Hurdles stands and high jump stands
  2. Pole vault stands and poles
  3. Landing foams, javelin, shot put and disowns implements
  4. Stop watches, whistles, starting gun
  5. Measuring tapes and writing materials
  6. White and reflags
  7. Public address system


Rules and regulations

  1. The athletes should not run out of their lanes
  2. The jumper must not fall against the edge of the pit near the take off board than where he landed
  3. The athlete that gained the greatest total points over all events is judged the winner
  4. Failure to participate in an events brings about elimination from the over competition
  5. The discus thrower must leave the circle from behind.


See also






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