For articulation of /s/, the tip and blade of the tongue make light contact with the alveolar fridge while the airstream passes through the groove created by partial obstruction. There is no vibration of the vocal cord as /s/ is produced. It is therefore, a voiceless, plosive, alveolar. The common spelling symbols are:
“S” as in Seat
“SC” as in Science
“C” as in Cease
“X” as in Axe
/s/ at the initial and final position
Initial Position Final Position
Six Sieze
Sign Gas
Soup Picks
Sat Piece
Sack Ice
/z/: This consonant has the same place and manner of articulation with /s/. The only difference between /z/and /s/ is that the vocal cords vibrate as the articulation of /z/ take place while there is no vibration of the vocal cords during the production of /s/. Thar is why /z/ is a voiced alveolar plosive which has the following symbols.
Z as in Zip
S as in has
X as in exact
/z/ at initial and final position
Initial Position Final Position
Zip Bees
Zoom Whose
Zombie Those
Zero Ways
Zonal Pigs
Zest Nose
Zoon Fees
Zinc Fez
Write three word for /s/ and two for /z/, showing the two at sound at the initial and final position.
See also:
Irony, Euphemism and Hyperbole