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Data processing is the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information.

Data processing is the process of manipulation data to generate information.  Data processing methods are techniques used to process/sort different types of data.


  1. Batch Processing
  2. Online Processing
  3. Real-time Processing
  4. Multi Programming
  5. Multi Processing
  6. Time Sharing



Batch processing involves the collection of data in form of source document. These maybe customers’ order and payroll. They are gathered in groups known as batches.

They are usually processed in batches. The implication of this is that individual transactions cannot be executed until the entire batch has been processed.


Online processing is also known as direct access or random access processing. A job is processed at the same time when it is received.


Data are been used as they become available. In real-time processing, receiving and processing of transactions are processing of jobs.


This is the process whereby different programs can use the computer resources at the same time.


The ability of a multi-processor computer system is to execute several instructions simultaneously.


This method of processing allows different users to use the same CPU resources simultaneously by dividing CPU time among all the users on the scheduled basis.


  1. COLLECTION: Collection is the first stage of the cycle, and is very crucial, since the quality of data collected will impact heavily on the output. It is a process of gathering row data to be entered into the computer.
  2. PREPARATION: Is the manipulation of data into a form suitable for further analysis and processing
  3. INPUT: Is the task where verified data is coded or converted into machine readable form so that it can be processed through a computer. Data entry is done through the use of a keyboard, digitizer, scanner, or data entry from an existing source.
  4. PROCESSING: Is when the data is subjected to various means and methods of manipulation, the point where a computer program is being executed, and it contains the program code and its current activity.
  5. OUTPUT AND INTERPRETATION: Is the stage where processed information is now transmitted to the user. Output is presented to users in various report formats like printed report, audio, video, or on monitor.
  6. STORAGE: This is the last stage in the data processing cycle, where data, instruction and information are held for further use. The importance of this cycle is that it allows quick access and retrieval of the processed information. Every computer uses storage to hold system and application software.


  1. What IS Data processing
  2. List five (5) stages of data processing cycle.

5 thoughts on “DATA PROCESSING”

  1. This is the good initiative we have been hoping for in the Nigeria education system. This will definitely eradicate the stress most of the teachers are passing through in order to get relevant and approved information to give to the students and besides, it gives room for uniform knowledge impartation if the Nigerian government can strictly recommend this portal for the Nigerian educators.

    But I think this will be more efficient if some other subjects could be included so as to build the confident it requires from the users and if there is any assistance required from the subject teachers and other stakeholders, I think it will be helpful.

    I am Philips Adelakun. A graduate of Fine and Applied Arts from Oyo State College of education, Oyo and University of Uyo respectively. A teacher both in the basic (primary) and the secondary axis for nothing less than 13 years now.

    Thanks for the good job.

    1. Thank you Mr. Philips Adelakun for visit and for your words of encouragement. i appreciate.

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  2. Thanks so much Yahaya Mohammed. We really appreciate you.

    You are free to contribute to the contents of our website. Click the Submit Contents and copy and paste your content in the POST CONTENT, fill the necessary details and submit your contents.

    We will approve it and it will appear under the respective category.

    We look forward to see your contents as we all work towards free educational contents for learners.

  3. Wow, this is in did wonderful, Good work Mr. Samuel cheers. I am a graduate of math with computer science, a researcher, ICT and Data processing teacher in fgc minna, I ave five years experience in teaching above mention subject from JSS 1 to SS3. It will b wonderful if can expand to ss1 to ss3 ICT. Will love to contribute to this site

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