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This is defined as pregnancy which occurs in young women between age of ten to nineteen Regardless of whether the woman is married or is legally an adult. Teenage pregnancy is associated with risk such as biological effect with social factors.


  1. Societal belief such as early marriage and traditional gender.
  2. Lack of sexuality education such as save sex from school, parent, and otherwise.
  3. Use of high failure rate control
  4. Use of drugs and alcohol may lead to unwanted sexual activities.
  5. Poverty
  6. Lack basic things that will kill life group.



  1. Health implication.
  2. Pregnancy may be inducing hypertension which can cause heart failure and death of both mother and child.
  3. from deficiency anemia which reduces the chance of survival and excessive bleeding.
  4. Incomplete abortion.
  5. Infectious and injuries to genital organs.
  6. It aim lead to unsafe abortion by unwanted and untrained and unqualified health care provider.
  7. Social – Economic implication
  8. Termination of education
  9. Disruption of life plans and career goals.
  10. Early and forced marriage due to pregnancy.
  11. Low self esteem
  12. Few job opportunities with low income and poverty.
  13. Emotional or psychological implication.
  14. Loneliness and depression.
  15. Feeling of guilt and fear.
  16. Emotional or psychological in balance due to loss of childhood and adapting to adulthood.


  1. Going for pregnancy lost immediately one miss her period.
  2. Talk with someone you trust.
  3. Enroll for ante-natal care check up with a medical provider.
  4. Follow proper anti-natal care instruction by keeping to the recommended drug by medical provider.
  5. eat nourishing food rich in protein, calcium, folic acid, iodine and iron
  6. Get adequate rest and relaxation
  7. Avoid smoking cigerate and drinking of alcohol



A myth is something that makes people beliefs but does not exist in the reality.

A fact is something that is true and can also be proved.


  1. Only pregnant make a woman period cease
  2. Every pregnant woman vomit.
  3. Pregnancy makes women unclean before God
  4. All pregnant women have morning sickness.
  5. Pregnant women should nit dye their hair.
  6. Pregnant women shouldn’t eat fish.
  7. Pregnancy is not possible during period.
  8. First time sex can lead to pregnancy.
  9. Washing vagina after sex won’t lead to pregnancy.
  10. Pregnant women should not take bath.


  1. Pregnant women should not carry heavy item.
  2. Some women experience bleeding even though they are pregnant.
  3. Pregnant women should not drink alcohol.
  4. Pregnancy may last for more than a year.
  5. Pregnant women should not change can litter.

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