No 1 Online Learning Portal

100,000+ Lessons

We have thousands of lesson notes for your studies. We provide only the best and well explained lessons from qualified teachers, lecturers and tutors around the world

3,000,000+ Students

We have impacted over 3,000,000 students and teachers too. We have provided free lessons, subjects and courses to pupils, students and teachers around the world.

100% free of cost

Acadlly do not charge you daily fee, weekly fee, monthly fee or yearly fee. This portal is provided for free and you can donate to support this project.

We give you the best eLearning platform to study for free. We make sure you achieve your dreams and have a brighter future. We are always here for you.


Acadlly  is Africa’s leading online learning portal and one of the world’s fastest-growing e-Learning portal. Acadlly is a free eLearning portal, specially designed to serve as an alternative means to the regular brick-and-mortar style of education for the less-privileged children and children born to low-income earners, adults who otherwise cannot afford to finance their way through school, as well as provide support to school children who need educational resources for further learning. With Acadlly, students have no need to buy study materials such as textbooks, or pay for lesson teachers and practice past questions; all materials and resources are offered for free.   

Acadlly  was created in 2017 as a solution to the myriads of challenges children and young people face, especially the less-privileged, with obtaining quality learning contents, as well as not benefiting from free education programmes.

Children will benefit from our elearning portal in various ways such as:

1. Organized e-learning in one platform.

2. Provides unlimited access to learning contents.

3. Reduces learning and development time.

4. Keep teachers and children up to date.

5. Integrate social learning experience, technology leverage for better learning.

6. Engaged learning also increases because the learners have greater control and freedom over their lessons, online assessment.

7. Supports contents in various formats such as texts, videos, audios, images, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc.

8. Access materials any time and from anywhere.

9. Reduce learning and development cost.

10. And alot more.

Subjects & Courses

Acadlly has one of the highest number of lessons on earth. Our lesson notes cut across sciences, maths, languages, social sciences, vocational, entrepreuerial, technical courses, etc. We have lessons for primary schools, secondary schools and higher institutions.

Past questions & answers

We have past questions and answers that cover questions from examination bodies for primary school pupils and secondary school students, which allow them to practice for their examination.

Scholarships Updates

Get the best scholarship details for international students and scholarships for your country. We bring to you the lastest scholarships that will benefit you.

Educational Job Vacancies

We provide educational job vacancies to teachers. We will always try our best to provide the best job vacancies and you can always apply for them.


Acadlly Coverage

1 +

Acadlly covers over 200 countries in the world and we are covering more.

1 +

Pupils, Students & Teachers in 4,000+ cities have been covered by us and we are covering more.


Acadlly covers the globe, You can access us from anywhere in the world. we are available 24/7.


This is the best online learning website that I have come across. Every note is well explained. I keep coming back to read more to learn more. The lesson notes here cover all my subjects scheme of work (curriculum) and also cover all subjects from JSS 1 to JSS 3 and from SS1 to SS 3.
Adam Senu, Nigeria
As a teacher, getting the right contents for my students is what I love to achieve and Acadlly has all the learning contents that I need. The moment I downloaded the app, I got connected to massive wealth of contents for my students and for myself. Thank you Acadlly
Mille Kunis, USA
Thanks guys for providing this online learning portal for free. So much learning materials and past questions to practice. This has contributed to the success of my studies. I hope some organizations can support this portal. We really need this in Africa and the world at large.
Mike Pendler, South Africa