Evolution of information and communication technology (ICT) has passed through different stages, namely; invention of printing stage, invention of radio and television stage, invention of computer stage as well as linking up computers with information and communication technology (ICT).
This is a stage in which printing technology has been invented. It involves the use of machines to produce master copies of information printing technology made it possible for a large quantity of master copies to be produced at the same time.
(a) RADIO: A radio is a method of information transmission by the use of electromagnetic waves that is without using a connecting wire, it is a voice transmission facility which facilitates the picking up of broadcast messages by any of the bands on the radio. The wave bands include short wave (SW) bands, Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM).
(b) TELEVISON: A television is a method of transmitting information, events, etc. to the people using radio and pictures. It is a voice transmitting method which broadcast messages just like the radio accompany by pictures.
Computer is an electronic device or machine which accepts, stores and processes data following a set of instructions to produce accurate and effective information for the benefit of the user. The invention of computer has reduced the entire world into a “global village”. The computer has made man benefitted from his environment and the world at large.
- What is radio and television?
- Explain the invention of printing
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