JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONSby Webbpedia EducationJAMB3 Comments 0% 224 JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Attempt 60 questions that will picked from our pool of questions. You have 1 hour to answer all the questions.You can retake the exams as many time as possible.Goodluck 1 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Use the diagram shown to answer the question. After an hour, the level of water in the thistle funnel will rise double remain the same fall 2 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Use the diagram shown to answer the question. In plant cells, the role of the membrane is played by the cytoplasm mitochondrion cell wall nucleolus 3 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The ability of a living organism to detect and respond to changes in the environment is referred to as locomotion growth irritability taxis 4 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Use the diagram to answer the question that followsThe instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure direction of wind spread of wind relative humidity 5 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following plant hormone is responsible for ripening of fruits? Gibberellins Abscisic acid Ethylene Cytokinins 6 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Animals are said to gregarious when they are of the same species moving together in a group they give an alarm to alert others to show the normal protective behaviour of the group when danger threatens they survive adverse conditions of cold weather they transmit information from one individual to another 7 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following is not a transmitable character in plants Life span Resistance to environmental factors Habit of growth Haemophilia 8 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The function of pith in plant is Pith, or medulla, is a tissue in the stems of vascular plants. Pith is composed of soft, spongy parenchyma cells, which store and transport nutrients throughout the plant. Absorb mineral salt and nutrient from the soil Removal of waste product from the plant trap chlorophyll from the sunlight 9 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A virus can sometimes be regarded as a living organism because it Reproduces in living cells Is easily visible with the aid of an electron microscope It exists in a variety of shapes causes diseases in plants and animals 10 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Blood circulation in a mammal is said to be double because The heart contains auricles and ventricles It moves in both arteries and veins It circulates in both the hands and other organs It passes twice through the heart in a complete circuit 11 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals vestibular system perilymph cochlea pinna 12 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The following are example of morphological variation except color ability to taste PTC size fingerprint 13 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The following parts are involved in breathing process, except nostrils mouth ribs diaphragm 14 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A man who is heterozygous for the disease haemophilia marries a woman who is double recessive for haemophilia. What percentage of their offspring would have the disease? 75% 50% 0% 25% 15 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of these organisms partly digest its food extracellularly? Termite Mosquito Cockroach Housefly 16 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A bacteria that is spherically shaped is called? diplobacillus bacillus coccus vibrio 17 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals is trachea ⇢ bronchi ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ alveoli bronchi ⇢ trachea ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchioles trachea ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ bronchi ⇢alveoli bronchioles ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchi ⇢ trachea 18 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following pairs of organisms are photosynthetic? Nostoc and plasmodium Euglena and chlamydomonas Amoeba and paramecium Volvox and Rhizopus 19 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The type of nutrition in which two organisms of different species live together and derive nutrients from each other is symbiotic nutrition holophytic nutrition saprophytic nutrition holozoic nutrition 20 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The insects in which the maxillae are modified into a long coiled proboscis is housefly mosquito grasshopper butterfly 21 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following animals has homodont dentition? Man Lizard Pigeon Rat 22 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS What it the function of contractile vacuole in paramecium Gets rid of excreta Produces Enzymes Gets rid of excess water Stores and digest food 23 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following protects the essential parts of the flower at bud stage? Sepals Carpels Stamens Petals 24 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The type of nutrition shown by spirogyra is Holophytic Symbiosis Chemosynthetic Holozoic 25 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Strong short and concical beak to pick and crush seeds is an adaptive feature of weaver bird hawk owl duck 26 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The type of nutrition exhibited when organism lives on the body surface or inside the body of another type of organism is carnivores Holozoic saprohytic parasitic 27 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The yellowish colored liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in suspension is serum thrombocyte plasma water 28 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The period of inactivity seen in some animals during long period of heat or drought is Adaptation Migration Aestivation Hibernation 29 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Evidence of evolution include the following except mutation of genes comparative anatomy geographical distribution of organisms fossil records 30 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Inheritable character/features possessed by an organism can be referred to as Traits Genes Locus Allelo morphs 31 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The insect trapping movements of the leaves of the venus fly trap is a behavioural adaptation for support surviving adverse weather conditions dormancy obtaining food 32 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the maintenance of balance is the pinna vestibular system cochlea perilymph 33 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A tissue is composed of a group of related organs tissues systems similar cells 34 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A group of closely related organisms capable of interbreeding to produce the fertile offspring are known as members of a family species kingdom class 35 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS When sickle cell carrier marries a normal woman, the probability of them having a normal offspring is 0.25 0.5 .1 0.75 36 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following serves as the brain box in man head spinal column skeleton skull 37 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A group of organisms of the same kind inhabiting the same environment is called population species habitat ecosystem 38 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Raw materials required by green plants to manufacture their food are mainly gases inorganic substances living materials mainly fluids 39 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following scenarios is an example of cohesion? Water molecules stick to the surface of a mirror. Water molecules stay on the tip of a pine needle because the water is attracted to the surface of the needle. Water molecules stick to one another and form a bead Water sticks to the walls of blood vessels. 40 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS An example of an endospermous seed is been seed cotton seed maize grain cashew nut 41 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The common thing in plant and animal cell is cell wall chloroplast centrioles nucleus 42 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS One of the following is a process of transmission of hereditary characteristics by chromosomes Separation of gametes during fertilization Separation of homologous chromosomes into four daughter cells Dictating the formation of a protein by a gene in a chromosome Genes relating to the same character occupy identical locations on the chromosomes 43 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The modification in structure, physiology and behaviour of plant and animal is called ______ succession variation adaption evolution 44 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Cytokinesis of mitosis is a process that ensures that worn out organelles are excluded from daughter cells there is distribution of a complete set of genes into each daughter cell each daughter cell gets the necessary organelles daughter cell inherit new genetic combinations 45 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Size, colour and fingerprints are examples of ______ morphological variation physiological variation adaptive variation discontinuous variation 46 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS A boy who is fond of swimming in a pond finds himself passing urine with traces of blood. He is like to have contracted? poliomyelitis schistosomiasis salmonellosis onchocerciasis 47 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which organ removes the largest amount of excess water from the body? Skin Lung Kidney Liver 48 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Use the diagram shown to answer the question. The experiment above is used to demonstrate the process of transportation osmosis diffusion water culture 49 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS What it the function of contractile vacuole in paramecium Stores and digest food Produces Enzymes Gets rid of excess water Gets rid of excreta 50 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Use the diagram to answer the question. The diagram shows that the organisms are ovoviparous viviparous oviparous hermaphrodite 51 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Coloration of the eye is ______ variation morphological physiological recessive adaptive 52 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Nitrogen is released into the atmosphere when ________ sugar is completely broken down when lightning strike through plant uptake plants absorbs mineral salt 53 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of these is not a sampling method for determining population size? systematic sampling complete census capture and re-capture method transect method 54 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS An example of organism which exists as a colony is euglena paramecium chlamydomonas Volvox 55 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the organisms represent are notable agricultural pests I and IV II and IV I and III II and III 56 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The hormones secreted by pancreas serves to Make the body react to emergencies Raise the level of calcium in the blood Facilitate the development of facial hairs Lower blood glucose level 57 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS Which of the following theories was NOT considered by Darwin in his evolutionary theory? survival of the fitest variation competition use and disuse 58 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of co-evolution divergent evolution continuous variation convergent evolution 59 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS The flame cells are used for excretion in Nematode Bacteria Fluke Volvox 60 / 60 Category: JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS When an ovary is placed on the receptacle above the other floral parts it is referred to as half inferior ovary inferior ovary superior ovary half superior ovary Email Your score is LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback previousBECE BASIC TECHNOLOGY PAST QUESTIONSnextAFRICAN UNION 3 thoughts on “JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS” Aadeniran Samson March 21, 2023 at 3:16 pm Reply The is a life changer Samuel Okeke March 21, 2023 at 7:09 pm Reply Thank you Adeniran Gboyega June 15, 2021 at 5:36 pm Reply i love the question Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. 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The is a life changer
Thank you Adeniran
i love the question