Energy for working. Energy is a key factor in national development. For instance, electrical energy is needed to do a lot of things. Poor management of the energy resources in… Read More »ENERGY AND SOCIETY
Energy for working. Energy is a key factor in national development. For instance, electrical energy is needed to do a lot of things. Poor management of the energy resources in… Read More »ENERGY AND SOCIETY
Meaning of renewable and non-renewable energy Renewable energy is the energy resources that can be replaced as they are used up. Non-renewable energy is the energy resources that cannot be… Read More »RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY
Counselling and Testing Places to go for counselling and medical tests are: School guidance and counsellor Health centres Specialized institutions Youth centre Adolescent-focused NGOs Care and support The support and… Read More »HIV/AIDS II
HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus while AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease which has no cure yet. The virus, HIV is the cause of AIDS.… Read More »HIV/AIDS
Sexually transmitted infections (diseases) are infections that can be spread from one person to another through sexual intercourse with an infected person. Examples, Causative agents and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted… Read More »SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS
Effects of air pollution.
(1) It can lead to respiratory diseases (when smoke, soot and dust is inhaled)
(2) Smog can reduce visibility and cause respiratory diseases
(3) High concentration of carbon (ii) oxide can cause brain damage
(4) It can cause cancer
Pollution is the contamination of our environment with dirty, poisonous and dangerous or hazardous substances. It is also defined as the release of waste products or materials into the environment… Read More »ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION I
Reproduction is the ability of living things to produce young ones like them. Reproduction is one of the characteristics of living things which is for the continuation of life. There… Read More »REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Reproduction is the ability of living organism to produce young ones of their kind. It is necessary for the continuity of life. TYPES OF REPRODUCTION There are two main types… Read More »REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
A drug is a chemical substance which affects the action of the body. IMPORTANCE OF DRUG It saves life It relieves pain It relieve suffering It helps to fight against… Read More »DRUG AND DRUG ABUSE
Nutrition is the process of taking in food to get energy and maintain life. It is also called feeding in living organisms. FOOD Food is any substance which when eaten… Read More »NUTRITION
SANITATION Sanitation is the process of keeping places free from dirt which causes infections, diseases and germs. This is done by removing waste products (both solid and liquid) away from… Read More »FAMILY HEALTH
This is the period during which growing boys and girls reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction. Usually, puberty starts between ages 8 and 13 in girls and ages… Read More »PUBERTY
Metals are elements that readily form positive ions and have metallic bonds. Examples are copper, iron, copper, etc. Properties of Metals They are good conductors of heat and electricity They… Read More »CLASSIFICATION OF NON-LIVING THINGS INTO METALS AND NON-METALS METALS
CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS Plants exist in different forms. These are: Treesg. mango, orange, guava, pawpaw, etc. Flowers such as ice plant, hibiscus, yellow bush, pride of Barbados, etc.… Read More »CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS
Living things are things that have life in them. Examples are man, insect, bird, fish, toad, lizard, yam, grass, etc. Living things are classified into two major group i.e. plants… Read More »CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING AND NON-LIVING THINGS
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Examples are a stone, sand, water, biro, air etc. All matter is made up of tiny particles called atom. PROPERTIES OF… Read More »MATTER
MEAINING OF STATELLITE Satellite is a body that orbits or moves round a planet e.g. the moon is a satellite of the earth Thus, the satellites or moons of the… Read More »SATELLITE
Man has been inquisitive about the sky, the moon and the stars for a very long time. Now, a lot has been known about the component of the universe and… Read More »THE EARTH IN SPACE
MEANING OF GRAVITATION Gravitation is a force that has effect on the stability of a body. If an object is tossed up the air, it will fall back to the… Read More »GRAVITATION AND WEIGHTLESSNESS