Resources from living things

Basic Science

The source of resources from living things comes from plants and animals. The resources from plant sources include cash crops and food crops, dyes, and drugs while resources from animals include hide and skin, and dairy products. Plants’ resources are grown in the garden and farms for food, commercial purposes, and aesthetic values. Resources from … Read more

Economic Importance of Plant and Animal Resources

Basic Science

Plant and animal resources play a crucial role in the economy, providing various goods and services that contribute to human well-being and economic development. Here are some key economic aspects of plant and animal resources: 1. Food Production Plants and animals are the primary sources of food for human consumption. Agriculture, including crop cultivation and … Read more

Resources from Non-living Things (Solid Material)

Basic Science

Minerals are naturally occurring substances in the soil. Such minerals are natural endowments to particular communities. The mineral resources may exist in solid, liquid or gaseous forms. Examples of mineral resources are petroleum, limestone, gold, coal etc. Examples of solid minerals in Nigeria are gold, limestone, coal, tin ore, columbite, iron ore, diamond etc. These … Read more

Resources from non-living things and their Location of solid mineral in Nigeria

Basic Science

Nigeria is known to have abundant solid mineral resources spread across different locations within the country. Here are some of the key solid minerals found in Nigeria and their respective locations: 1. Coal Nigeria has significant coal deposits, primarily located in the southeastern and north-central parts of the country. Major coal mines are situated in … Read more


Basic Science

ABORTION: Is defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy. It ends the pregnancy by removing the foetus and embryos before it can survive outside the uterus.  TYPES OF ABORTION INDUCED ABORTION: This is the intentional decision of a woman to end the pregnancy through surgery or by taking medicine. 2. SPONTANEOUS / MISCARRIAGE ABORTION: … Read more

Ethnical Issues in Science and Development

 ETHICS –deals with the manners or ways in which thing are done to achieve decorum, coherence and good standard, right application of science to enable progress and development of the society. Wrong application of science to cause hazardous and un-development  RIGHT APPLICATION OF SCIENCES ARE FOLLOWING 1. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT –technological development has improved the agricultural … Read more


Basic Science

Deforestation is defined as the clearing of forest wood for farming or purposes without immediate replanting. This act of cutting down trees indiscriminately by the activities of man is encouraged by the following factors; -Bush burning -Building of schools, houses etc. -felling of trees for firewood -Construction of roads and bridges.   Reasons for Deforestation … Read more