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General Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae

  1. They are multicellular and eukaryotic.
  2. They are photosynthetic and have pigment chlorophyll.
  3. Their cells have cellulose cell walls.
  4. They reproduce sexually, others asexually.
  5. Kingdom Plantae has three major divisions:
  6. Bryophyta,
  7. Pteridophyta

Division Bryophyta

These include mosses and liverworts.

  1. Plant body is not differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
  2. They have simple structures which resemble leaves and stems.
  3. They have rhizoids for absorbing water and anchoring the plant to substratum.
  4. Life cycle consists of two morphologically different plants, the gametophyte and sporophyte.
  5. The two alternate.
  6. They show alternation of generations.
  7. The gamete producing gametophyte is the persistent plant.
  8. The sporophyte is attached to the gametophyte and is nutritionally dependent on it.
  9. They lack vascular system.
  10. Sexual reproduction is dependent on water.

Division Pteridophyta:

These include ferns and horsetails.

General Characteristics

  1. They have root and shoot system.
  2. Leaves are compound known as fronds, they have a vascular system.
  3. They show alternation of generations whereby the spore bearing sporophyte is the main plant.
  4. Spores are borne in clusters on the underside of leaves making sari.
  5. The gametophyte is an independent minute structure called prothallus which is short lived.
  6. Sexual reproduction is dependent on water.

Division Spermatophyta

These are the seed bearing plants.

General Characteristics

  1. Plant body is differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
  2. Vascular tissue consists of xylem and phloem.
  3. Sexual reproduction is independent of water.
  4. Male gametophyte (pollen grain) germinates and grows to reach female gametophyte.
  5. They are divided into two sub-divisions:
  6. Gymnosperms
  7. Gymnosperms
  8. These are cone-bearing plants.
  9. Naked seeds.
  10. They are trees and shrubs.
  11. Xylem consists of tracheids only.
  12. Examples; pine, cypress and spruce.
  13. They show xerophytic characteristics like having needle-like leaves. Angiosperms
  14. Seeds are enclosed within a fruit.
  15. They comprise trees, shrubs and herbs.
  16. Xylem consists of vessels of tracheids.
  17. These are the most advanced plants.
  18. Angiosperms has two classes;
  19. Monocotyledonae

Comparison of Dicotyledonae and Monocotyledonae

Economic Importance of Spermatophyta

  1. They are a source of food for humans and other animals.
  2. Source of fue1- wood fuel and charcoal.
  3. Source of timber for building and for paper.
  4. Ornamental plants.
  5. Useful in textile industry.

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