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Examples include;

  1. Algae such as spirogyra, Chlamydomonas, euglena, Sargassum
  2. And protozoa such as amoeba, paramecium and Trypanosoma.

General Characteristics

  1. They are said to be eukaryotic since their nucleus is bound by a membrane
  2. Most are mobile, and use flagella, cilia and pseudopodia.
  3. Some are sessile.
  4. They reproduce mainly asexually, by binary fission, fragmentation and sporulation.
  5. Some reproduce sexually by conjugation.
  6. Some are heterotrophic e.g. paramecium.
  7. Others are autotrophic e.g. spirogyra.

Economic importance of protoctista

  1. Algae are the primary producers in aquatic food chains.
  2. They release a lot of oxygen to the atmosphere.
  3. Some cause human diseases like malaria and amoebic dysentry ,sleeping sickness
  4. Some are source of food for humans e.g. sargassum is a source of iodine
  5. Skeletons of diatoms used in paint making.


They have spiral chloroplast. They are green, thread-like filaments


  1. This is unicellular green algae and has a cup shaped chloroplast.
  2. They move towards light using the flagella
  3. Cilia assist the organism to move.
  4. The shape is due to the presence of a thin flexible pellicle.

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