(y) pronounced between u and i as in : rue, juge, tu, mur
(Ø) pronounced between o and e as in bleu, heureux, peu
(oe) pronounced between o and ε as in, peur, neuf, heur
Voyelles nasals (nasal vowels)
(ε) as in : vin, fin, mince, prince, matin
(á) as in tante, sans, vent
(õ) as in : bon, rond, oncle, on, ombre
(õĕ) as in lundi, brun, un, humble
Semi – voyelles/semi – consonnes
(semi vowels/semi-consonants)
(w) as in, oui, oiseau, nouer
(u) as in, lui, louis, huille
(j) as in, pied, viande, yeux, hier, famille, soleil
Exercices de pronociation pronounciation exercises
The folloiwng groups of words should be practised frequently to familiarise oneself both with the sounds adn with their various spellings.
(i) (y) (u) (e) (ε)
Il dit du ou, où ne, le nez pene, paire
Il lit tu doux, d’où j’ai guere, guerre
Ici la plume le loup mai, mes faire, fer
Fini le mur le coup alle, aller Chene
Qui il fut le trou passe, passer men reine
L’ami il fut le trou frappe, frapper mets, mais
L’ami la rue le genou l’ecole merci
(o) (ɔ) (õ) (ɔ)
Le mot notre bon, son, non
Au, aux la robe le coton
Aussi la note le plafond
Chaud la porte ils ont
Le notic le soldat ils sont on oncle
See also
D’indtifier des consonnes francais
Revision des alphabets francaise
La redaction
Le Comprehension