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Metals – Ferrous and Non Ferrous

  1. 1. Metals. Exercise 1: Make a list of all the different metals that you know about.
  2. 2. Metals. Two main groups, 1.Ferrous. 2.Non-Ferrous.
  3. 3. Metals Ferrous Pure Ferrous Metals Non Ferrous Ferrous Alloys Pure Non Ferrous Metals Copper Non Ferrous Alloys Alum. Brass Bronze Solder Zinc Tin High Speed Steel Copper + Zinc Copper + Tin Lead + Tin Lead Silver High Speed Steel Cutting Tools Gold Mercury Steel Iron Mercury is the only non ferrous metal that is liquid at room temperature. Alloying.
  4. 4. Ferrous Metals. Ferrous metals: Ferrous metals are metals that consist mostly of iron and small amounts of other elements. Ferrous metals are prone to rusting if exposed to moisture. Ferrous metals can also be picked up by a magnet. The rusting and magnetic properties in ferrous metals are both down due to the iron. Typical ferrous metals include mild steel, cast iron and steel. Examples: 1.Mild Steel. 2.Cast Iron. 3.High Carbon Steel. 4.High Speed Steel. 5.Stainless Steel. Rusting. Magnetism.
  5. 5. Ferrous Metals. Metal Type. Metal Uses. Melting Point. Mild Steel. A ductile and malleable metal. Mild steel will rust quickly if it is in frequent contact with water. Used as Nuts and bolts, Building girders, car bodies, gates, etc. 1600°C
  6. 6. Ferrous Metals. Metal Type. Cast Iron. Is a very strong metal when it is in compression and is also very brittle. It consists of 93% iron and 4% carbon plus other elements. Metal Uses. Melting Point. Used as car Brake discs, car cylinders, metalwork vices, manhole covers, machinery bases eg: The pillar drill. 1200°C
  7. 7. Ferrous Metals. Metal Type. High Carbon Steel . It is a very strong and very hard steel that has a high resistance to abrasion. Properties – Up to 1.5% carbon content. Very tough. Metal Uses. Melting Point. Used for hand tools such as screwdrivers, hammers, chisels, saws, springs and garden tools. 1800°C
  8. 8. Ferrous Metals. Metal Type. High Speed Steel. HSS is a metal containing a high content of tungsten, chromium and vanadium. However it is very brittle but is also very resistant to wear. Metal Uses. Melting Point. Used for drill bits and lathe cutting tools. It is used where high speeds and high temperatures are created. 1400°C
  9. 9. Ferrous Metals. Metal Type. Metal Uses. Melting Point. Stainless Steel. Stainless steel is very resistant to wear and water corrosion and rust. Properties – It is an alloy of iron with a typical 18% chromium 8% nickel and 8% magnesium content. Used for kitchen sinks, cutlery, teapots, cookware and surgical instruments. 1400°C
  10. 10. Classwork /Homework. 1). What are the properties of a ferrous metal? 2.) What is cast iron used for? 3.) Why is it good to make hammers out of high carbon steel? 4.) Why is it good to make cutlery out of stainless steel? 5.) List one application and one property of the following alloy steels: (i) Stainless Steel; (ii) High Speed Steel.


Forms of metals

There are different types of metals based on physical and chemical properties. They are the hardest elements which are found on the earth. Most of the metals are solids in nature except for mercury which shows liquid-like motion. They are bendable into different shapes and have many uses in human life. They have special properties unlike other elements in the periodic table. When oxidized they are alkaline in nature. They react with acids and even get rusted when exposed to air for a long time.

They are also present in minute quantities in living beings.

Based on properties, metals can be differentiated

  1. Ferrous metal :Ex: iron, steel.
  2. Non-ferrous metals: Ex; Aluminum, lead, copper.
  3. Noble metals: Ex; Gold, platinum, silver.
  4. Heavymetals: Ex: Arsenic, cadmium, lead.
  5. Metal alloy: These are metals which are made of combination of metals. They are alloyed (mixed) to get desired properties like greater strength, durability and also resistance to corrosion. Also these metals alloys are used to avoid or resist heat generation.


  1. differentiate between ferrous metals
  2. mention 5 forms of metals


See also

Properties of metals


Properties of materials

Workshop safety

Work Shop Safety

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