National Identity

National identity is a person’s identity or sense of belonging to one state or to one nation. It is the sense of “a nation as a cohesive whole, as represented by distinctive traditions, culture, and language.” National identity may refer to the subjective feeling one shares with a group of people about a nation, regardless of one’s legal citizenship status.

National identity can be referred to as the symbols, actions and behavior, beliefs, languages, and feelings that make people from one country different from people from other countries. It also means accepting and belonging to å country by taking part in its activities and obeying the rules and regulations of that country.

The National flag

The national flag is a symbol that represents a country, embodying its identity, heritage, and values. It is a piece of fabric with distinctive colours, patterns, or emblems that hold special meaning and are officially recognized by the government.

Each element of a national flag—such as its design, colors, or symbols—typically reflects the country’s history, culture, beliefs, or ideals. For example:

  • The colours may signify specific attributes, such as bravery, peace, or wealth.
  • The patterns or symbols might represent unity, freedom, or important historical events.

National flags are flown during official ceremonies, displayed at public institutions, and often used to express patriotism or solidarity with a nation.

Elements of National Identity

There are certain things that make it possible for people to identify themselves as members of one country or another.

These include the following

National Anthem:

The national anthem is a song with profound significance for a country and its people. It embodies the collective feelings of pride, unity, and patriotism of the citizens. Through its lyrics and melody, it reflects the nation’s history, values, and aspirations. When sung or played, it serves as a reminder of the shared identity and commitment of the people to their country. For example, during national events, international competitions, or school assemblies, the national anthem is often performed to inspire loyalty and national pride.

Citizenship of a Nation:

Being a citizen of a nation signifies belonging to a specific country and sharing a common identity with its people. Citizenship confers special rights and privileges, such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, and protection under the law.

In return, citizens are expected to contribute to the development and well-being of their country. This may include obeying laws, participating in civic duties, and promoting peace and unity. True citizenship fosters a sense of belonging, pride, and responsibility towards one’s nation.

Payment of Taxes and Dues:

Paying taxes and other financial obligations is a key responsibility of every citizen. Taxes are collected by the government to fund essential services such as education, healthcare, security, infrastructure development, and public utilities.

Through the payment of taxes, citizens contribute to the growth and progress of their country. It ensures the government has the resources to provide for the needs of the people and to maintain a functioning society. This practice promotes collective development and equality.

Working to Make the Society Better:

Every responsible citizen has a role in building a better society. This involves actively contributing to the well-being of the community and addressing issues such as poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and inequality. Citizens can achieve this through volunteer work, supporting local businesses, participating in community projects, and advocating for positive change. By working together, citizens help create a society that is safe, prosperous, and inclusive for everyone.

Showing Respect for National Symbols:

National symbols represent the identity, heritage, and values of a country. Showing respect for these symbols reflects a citizen’s patriotism and loyalty. Examples of national symbols include the national flag, anthem, pledge, coat of arms, and national monuments.

In Nigeria, for instance, the national flag is flown in public offices and schools, and the coat of arms is displayed in prominent locations. Standing at attention during the singing of the national anthem and reciting the national pledge are ways to show respect. Such acts symbolize unity, pride, and reverence for the nation.


  1. Define national identify
  2. List some of the elements national identify


  1. Define national identify
  2. List 5 elements of national identify


See also

Agricultural Technology


Prevention of drug abuse

Characteristics of drug abusers

Effect of drug abuse

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