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Study of genetics has been put into a wide variety of uses encompassing plants and animals and in particular humans. Blood transfusion. Blood groups are genetically determined. As discussed earlier a person of blood group A can only get blood from another one of A or O.

In case of emergencies and unavailability of blood, a patient may be given blood group A + when he/she is A-. First transfusion is fine since, by the time enough antibodies are produced most of the red blood cells of donor have completed their lifespan but a subsequent transfusion of A+ blood is fatal.

Plant and animal breeding

Genetics is applied mostly in plant and animal breeding in order to produce varieties that are most suitable to man’s needs. This is done through artificial selection. Varieties are developed that are resistant to pests, diseases or harsh climatic conditions.

Genetic counseling

Genetic counseling involves advising about hereditary diseases and disorders so that they can make informed decisions.

This is done through:

  1. Taking family history.
  2. Screening for genotypes e.g. through amniocentesis.
  3. In amniocentesis, cells are obtained from amniotic fluid during pregnancy.
  4. Conditions such as Down’s syndrome can be detected using microscopy.

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