What is reproduction in animals? Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes. In animals two individuals are involved, a male and a female. Special organs known as gonads produce gametes.

In males testes produce sperms while in females ovaries produce ova. The fusion of male gamete and female gamete to form a zygote is called fertilization.

There are two types of fertilization.

External and internal Fertilization.

External fertillzation

Example in amphibians takes place in water. The male mounts the female and shed sperms on the eggs as they are laid. Eggs are covered by slippery jelly-like substance which provides protection. Many eggs are released to increase the chances of survival.

Internal fertilization

This occurs in reptiles, birds and mammals. Fertilization occurs within the body of the female. Fewer eggs are produced because there are higher chances of fertilization since sperms are released into the female body.

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