Minerals are naturally occurring substances in the soil. Such minerals are natural endowments to particular communities. The mineral resources may exist in solid, liquid or gaseous forms. Examples of mineral resources are petroleum, limestone, gold, coal etc. Examples of solid minerals in Nigeria are gold, limestone, coal, tin ore, columbite, iron ore, diamond etc. These solid minerals cannot be used in the form in which they are found when they are dug out of the soil. They need to be refined by a process of refining which usually take place in factories.
Characteristics of solid minerals
-Diamond is lustrous and is the hardest solid mineral.
-Gold is lustrous when refined
-Coal ore is black
-Marble is milky
-Iron is grey/brown in colour.
Importance of solid minerals
–Iron is used the construction of bridges and building.
-Iron is used for making farm implement.
-Iron can be used for making various motor parts.
-Gold, silver and diamond are used in making jelwery such as earring, necklaces, medals and trophies.
-The wealth of a nation in foreign reserve can be quantified in gold value.
Uses of coal
-It is used for cooking
-It is in making material like chemical, paints and dyes.
-It is used to generate energy used to move train or generate electricity
-It is used in pottery industries for making plates, jugs and mugs.
-Combination of clay with limestone can be used for making chalk and cement.
-It is the major material in cement making.
-It is used in the hospital as plaster of Paris to straighten an injury to the bone.
More importance
-For employment opportunities
-For industrial development
-For agricultural development
-For transportation development
1.Which of these solid minerals is used in the pottery industries? A. silver B.clay C.diamond D.coal
2.Which of the following solid minerals is a major material that is used for the manufacture of cement ? A. coal B limestone C. gold D, silver
3.Where is coal found in large quantity in Nigeria? A. Ibadan B. Jos C. Kano D. Enugu
4.What is the characteristic colour of coal? A. black B. green C. grey D. brown
5.Which of the following is not a solid mineral? A. Zinc B. Aluminium C. Petroleum D. Silver
6.Major mineral resources in Kebbi is A. gold B. coal C. salt D. iron
7.Solid minerals are used for the following except A. fertile B. manufacture of agricultural tools C. emploment generation D. unrest
8.Which part of Nigeria is reach in Petroleum resources A. Ogun B. Oyo State C. Niger Delta D. Kano State
9.Mention three importance of minerals in Nigeria
10.Mention three natural resources in Nigeria
See also
Economic Importance of Plant and Animal Resources
Resources from living things