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Specialized agencies are bodies that are independent which exist under the umbrella of the U.N.O. These agencies are given special assignments which help U.N.O. to achieve its aims and objectives. The activities of these specialized agencies are coordinated and supervised by the min organ of the U.N.O. called the Economic and Social Council.


This agency was established 1919 by the League of Nations with headquarter in Geneva.



  1. Improvement of workers: It was established to help improve labour condition of workers
  2. Standard of living: It was established to raised the standard of living World wide.
  3. Promotion of economic and Social stability: It was formed to enhance the promotion of economic and Social stability.
  4. Child Labour: It campaigns against child labour and slavery.
  5. Research: It conducts extensive research in the field of power and vocational training.
  6. Celebrates Workers Day: It celebrates May 1st of every year as worker’s day World wide.

7: Representatives: Government employees and workers are directly represented in I.L.O.

  1. Training: It runs technical training courses.
  2. Right of Workers: It encourages most government of the World on the need to respect workers rights, liberties and freedom.
  3. It experts advice developing nations on labour related matters.


W.H.O. was established in 1948 and has its headquarters in Geneva and regional offices all over the World.


  1. Training of medical personnel: It was established to assist in training medical personnel.
  2. Method of teaching: To improve the standard of teaching and training in the field of health.
  3. To improve the health sector: To improve the knowledge and standard of health all over the World by sending medical team to countries in need.
  4. To improve nutrition, housing, sanitation, recreation, economic or working condition.
  5. Coordination: To direct and co-ordinate international health work in the World.
  6. Epidemic diseases: To ensure that epidemic and diseases are completely eradicated from the World.
  7. Provision of materials: To provide and materials to developing nations to improve their health facilities.
  8. Disease Monitoring: To respect the outbreak of infectious diseases in one country to other countries of the World.
  9. Drug Administration and Control: It controls the manufacturing and distribution of dangerous drugs.
  10. Creation of Standard: To help in standardizing the quality and dosage of drugs.
  11. Control: To suggest ways of controlling the spread of infections all over the World.

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