Machines make our work simpler. It is a force producing device by which a large force called load can be overcome by a small applied force called effort Terminologies Used… Read More »MACHINES
Machines make our work simpler. It is a force producing device by which a large force called load can be overcome by a small applied force called effort Terminologies Used… Read More »MACHINES
This is the periodic motion of a body or particle along a straight line such that the acceleration of the body is directed towards a fixed point . A particle… Read More »SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION
CONDITIONS FOR EQUILIBRIUM A body is said to be in equilibrium if under the action of several forces, it does accelerate or rotate. The sum of the upward forces… Read More »EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES
NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION Newton’s first law of motion states that everybody continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in straight line unless it is acted upon… Read More »NEWTON’S LAW OF MOTION
MEANING OF PROJECTILE A projectile motion is one that follows a curved or parabolic path .It is due to two independent motions at right angle to each other .These motions… Read More »PROJECTILES AND ITS APPLICATION
BASIC DEFINITIONS Displacement: This is the distance traveled in a specified direction. It is a vector quantity. Its unit is metres Distance: This is the space or separation between two… Read More »DERIVATION OF EQUATONS OF LINEAR MOTION
CONCEPT OF SCALAR AND VECTOR QUANTITIES Physical quantities are divided into scalar and vector quantities. A scalar is one which has only magnitude (size) e.g. distance, speed, temperature, volume, work,… Read More »SCALAR AND VECTOR QUANTITIES
POSITION The position of an object in space or on a plane is the point at which the object can be located with reference to a given point (the origin).… Read More »POSITION, DISTANCE AND DISPLACEMENT