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What is a suffix?. A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a base word to form a new word or to change its meaning.

Example: Enjoy + able = enjoyable. Each suffix has its own meaning.

The suffix “able” means “capable of”.

Hence enjoyable means “capable of being enjoyed”.

Common English suffixes

Suffix Meaning Examples



Add an appropriate suffix to each of the following words and then give the meaning of the new word.

  1. Hope 6. Green
  2. Read 7. Wear
  3. Child 8. Fear
  4. Grey 9. Kind
  5. Play 10. Wash



  1. Hopeful – full of hope 6. Greenish – having green colour
  2. Reader – a person who reads 7. Weary – tired
  3. Childish – having manners of a child 8. Fearless – lacking fear
  4. Greyish – having grey colour 9. Kindness – the quality of being kind
  5. Playful – fond of playing 10. Washable – can be washed

Words Usage

Words in English language have various meanings depending on their usage in sentences.

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