Warehousing is the act of storing goods produced or bought in a place until they are needed. Warehousing ensures that there is a regular  and steady supply of goods. A warehouse is a place where goods are kept until they are needed.



  1. It provides protection and security for goods.
  2. It encourages large scale production it ensures production of goods ahead of demand.
  3. It helps to stabilize prices of goods by reducing fluctuation of prices due to supply level.
  4. It facilitates re-packaging and branding of goods.
  5. It ensures constant and steady supply of goods throughout the year.
  6. It provides employment opportunities e.g. for warehouse keepers.
  7. It is a source of income for the owners e.g. rent received etc.
  8. It promotes emancipator purchases.



  1. Ordinary warehouse: This may be called goods warehouse – i.e where goods are stored by traders and manufacturer until they are needed. It could either be;
  2. a) Wholesaler warehouse
  3. b) Manufacturers warehouse
  4. c) Public warehouse
  5. Bonded warehouse: This is a warehouse where goods whose customs duties have not been paid are stored until the duties are settled by the Owners.  Bonded warehouse is privately owned by are under the supervision of the Customs Authority. They are usually located near the port (seaport or airport) for storing goods until the duties are paid.
  6. State warehouse (Queen’s warehousing or Government warehouse ): This is a warehouse where seized contraband goods (e.g smuggled goods) are kept until they are sold on auction to members of the public.



  1. List and explain five types of warehouse
  2. Explain five importance of warehousing in commerce.



  1. Bonded warehouse provides security (safety) for goods imported from other countries whose duties have not been paid
  2. The importer will be allowed adequate time to pay the charged customs duties
  • It facilitates foreign trade
  1. The period of bond enables the customs authority to have enough time to inspect the goods and calculate the actual  value of import duties.
  2. Goods in bonded warehouse can be easily sold by the importer while in bond in which case the buyer will settle the import duty.
  3. Production processes like branding, packaging, can be done while the goods are still in bond.



  1. Location of the factory i.e proximity of the warehouse to the factory
  2. Nearness to the market
  3. Nearness to the distribution centres
  4. operating costs (running cost) involved in the operation of the warehouse
  5. cost of building or renting the warehouse
  6. The mode of transportation to be employed
  7. Consumers buying pattern
  8. Good road network and availability of other infrastructure e.g telecommunication
  9. Regular power supply e.g. for frozen food items
  10. Presence of security and safety.



  1. Dock Warrant: This is the document issued by the warehouse authorities to depositor of goods. It is a document of title transferable by endorsement
  2. Delivery Order; this is a document issued by a dock warrant holder to enable a third party collect a specified part of the goods from the warehouse.



  1. Write short notes on the following;

(a) Dock Warrant             (b) Delivery Order

  1. Outline five factors to be considered in sitting a warehouse



  1. The receipt issued by a warehouse keeper for goods taken into the store is called

(a) warranty  (b) dock warrant   (c)customs  warrant   (d) drawback warrant

  1. Warehousing is one of the functions of the (a) wholesaler (b) retailer   (c) government  (d) ministry of trade and industry.
  2. Which of the following warehouses is generally found near a port?…………warehouse (a) manufacturer (b) wholesaler   (c) bonded  (d) distributors
  3. Who among the following is a middleman? (a) manufacturer (b) agent  (c) insurer  (d) consumer
  4. An individual who makes the final use of goods and services provided by a firm is the (a) wholesaler (b) retailer (c) consumer   (d) manufacturer.



  1. What is warehouse?
  2. State three ways in which warehousing is important to commerce.



  1. Explain six functions of the wholesaler to manufactures.
  2. State six reasons why a producer may distribute goods directly to consumers.
  3. List five advantages and four disadvantages of branding.
  4. State five importance of warehousing to Commerce.
  5. Give six reasons why manufacturers pre – package their products.

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