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Rules and Regulations

1) Never work alone in the workshop, work at least in pairs. This is so because in case of industrial/workshop accident the other partner will be a helper (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) it’s all about Teamwork.

2) Think about what you are doing; think before you start a job and during the entire time you are doing it. Remember that your own personal caution is of more value to you than all the safeguards that can be set up.

3) Know where the main switch is. This stops processes immediately should anything go wrong in the industry.

4) Smoking and carrying matches or naked flames by employees is prohibited in and about the complex except in zone specifically designed for such purposes. Safety section must see that “No smoking” signs are placed in and about their area to warn the employee and visitors.

5) When work is being done which requires the wearing of a safety belt, the supervisor in charge shall determine whether or not stand-by personnel are required, and if necessary, will provide suitable personnel.

6) Any one working at or going to any plant area in the complex must wear a safety cap and safety shoes.

7) Always use a safety belt when working at height such as on stacks or columns where the danger of falling exists.

8) Do not tamper with or attempt to repair equipment or instruments which you do not understand.

9) Ability to communicate with the outside world, very important. This is usually achieved by the installation of telephones. Important phone numbers should include the following in Emergency cases;

a. Fire Service number

b. Ambulance number

c. Police number

d. NEPA/PHCN number

10) Defective tools are dangerous, do not use them. In fact never use a tool except for its proper purpose.  safety devices


Fire Extinguishers

Many common fires around the house can be stopped with the usage of a proper fire extinguisher. While quick action and correct usage may put out the fire, it is important to also be aware of the limitations of the extinguisher used. Fully understand and read all included instructions prior to usage. It is a good and safe practice to regularly inspect your extinguisher to verify that it is properly charged.


It is also a good idea to make sure that the contents of the extinguisher do not become a solid mass. A few times a year it is recommended that the contents be shaken. Alternatively, a rubber mallet can be used to smack the bottom of the device (do not hit the valve or hose components). This agitation will help to prevent the solid materials from clumping into an unusable mass.


Smoke, Fire, Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These devices give advance warning to unseen, unknown, or undetectable dangerous conditions. It is important to check the condition of the power source to these detectors. If they are hardwired into the building, check to verify that a battery back-up exists. If the type of battery installed charges during normal conditions it probably does not need replacing every six months.


If the battery is expendable, it is good practice to change it whenever daylight savings events occur. It is good practice to test these devices, either hard wired or battery type, at least once a month to verify that they are working correctly. If a test fails, replace the device immediately to assure your protection. Seek additional information regarding these devices from the manufacturer or online sources.


Fire Escape Ladders

Add extra safety to your family if you have multiple floors. Stairwells can often become chimneys, depending upon the location of a fire. In the event of a fire, it is important to have multiple egress points. Pre-boxed fire escape ladders can be kept under windows, beds or adjacent closets to be used in the event of a fire. Always check the condition of the ladder immediately after purchase to assure that the ladder is usable in the event of an emergency situation. These ladders are available in some home centers and online for immediate shipping.


Dust Masks & Respirators

Respirators and dust masks are an important part of many jobs. It is important to make sure that your lungs and airways are protected from adverse chemicals and airborne contaminants. There are many types of dust masks available. Dust masks should not be confused or interchanged with respirators.


A dust mask is generally a low cost paper or synthetic filtering device manufactured to help stop dust, debris, and dirt from entering your nose and mouth. A respirator is generally considered a cartridge and filtered system to trap contaminants and purify the air particles prior to entering your respiratory system. Make certain that the usage of the proper type of mask or respirator is proven for the type of work that you are performing.


Make certain that the filters and cartridges in a respirator are approved by NIOSH or OSHA and meet the requirements to protect you. An indication that a respirator needs the replacement of filters is when you begin to smell or taste the products you are using the respirator to filter. When that occurs, always stop work, replace the cartridge or filter prior to continuing. Always read, follow, and understand the instructions that come with this piece of safety equipment. Check with the manufacturer or supplier to verify that you are using appropriate products for your job.


More professional and stringent requirements for the usage of certain type of respirators include medical evaluations prior to the issuance of the respirator. An example of this type of requirement would pertain to work related to asbestos or mold abatement. In addition to proper training prior to working with asbestos, it is important that a medical evaluation determines that your body is able to properly function while you are wearing the approved respirator. The removal of asbestos or mold is not to be taken lightly and should not be performed by an untrained, unlicensed or uncertified contractor. This is not a project for a homeowner.



Gloves for all purposes (Rubber, latex, chemical resistant, electrical insulated, leather work, thermal insulated, heat resistant, Kevlar reinforced, etc.) – Gloves are a very basic and easy to find safety item. The importance of proper protection of your hands and arms cannot be overstated. There are as many types of gloves available as there are types of jobs. It is important to know the limitations and requirements of your gloves prior to beginning work.


Hearing Protection

Hearing protection includes equipment such as ear plugs and head phones. Long term hearing loss can be created by a sudden unexpected loud noise. It is important to plan for that possibility and provide adequate hearing protection. Long term exposure to low levels of certain frequencies can also damage hearing. Consult online guides, job related service manuals, and other available sources to determine the correct type of hearing protection that should be used for any job. Repeated exposure to yard and lawn equipment can be very damaging to your ears, and even though it may occur on an infrequent basis, it is important for anyone exposed to these products to protect their ears.


Safety Clothing

Safety clothing for specialized usage. Some examples of protective clothing products and related items include Kevlar chainsaw protective chaps, gloves, boots, hard hat with face shield, etc. Chain saw users can encounter several assaults on their bodies at every usage.


Hearing can be seriously affected, so headphones are essential. A hardhat is recommended to protect against the inadvertent tree branch falling from above. A face shield is suggested to protect against flying wood chips, tree limbs, and branches that may brush past a user. Safety glasses are suggested to protect against sudden projectile impacts that pass the face shield. One of the most significant and potentially lifesaving products that can be worn are products made using Kevlar fabric.


This fabric, when cut with an errant chain saw chain, becomes shredded and grabs the chain, hopefully stopping the chain before cutting your body parts. It is important to wear protective boots, chaps, gloves, and vests made with Kevlar at all times during usage of a chain saw to protect all major body parts and extremities.


Work Shop / Wood Shop Protection

Face masks, goggles, dust masks, respirators, hearing protection, proper gloves for specific tasks, ventilation devices for airflow, and dust collectors are recommended. Understand the task that you are planning, and make certain to have all needed safety products and equipment prior to starting your project. A good first aid kit is important to have in your workshop.



Steel Toed Work Boots or Regular Work Boots are essential for working with heavy objects that can fall on your feet. Steel toed boots have a protective reinforcement in the toe to protect your foot from falling objects, compression, or punctures. For light products, non-steel toed shoes may be sufficient. The addition of steel in your work boots is good additional insurance against foot injuries. Steel toed shoes are often professional requirements on most work sites. Why not add the protection of steel toed work boots when you plan to buy your next pair of work shoes?



Proper and appropriate ladders for multipurpose use. Never use a ladder for more than its’ intended purpose. Fiberglass ladders offer non conductivity from electrical sources, come in a variety of types and load ratings, and last for years. In most cases, they are far more durable than a wooden ladder or any aluminum ladder product. They may cost a little more, but are well worth the price in the long run, and will provide many years of safe usage if properly maintained and stored.


Ground Fault Circuit Protection

Ground fault circuit protectors for electrical outlets in water or moisture adjacent areas. While a G.F.I. (Ground fault interrupter) is an electrical code requirement in wet locations in newer construction, older homes may not have been upgraded to include these devices. Homeowners, not thinking about shock hazards, may not know if the outlet that they are connecting exterior extension cords to are grounded or protected by a G.F.C.I. (Ground fault circuit interrupter.) Unprotected circuits and outlets now connected to these electrical extension cords can lead to shock hazards or even death.


  1. list 5 safety devices
  2. what is safety precaution


See also

Work Shop Safety

Safety guidelines


Orthographic Drawing

Perspective Drawing

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